Remote Interrogation System “SRS TeleConnect”
SRS TeleConnect is designed to perform interrogations remotely as video conferences during court sessions.
Court officers and other participants, e.g. public prosecutor, attorney, are in the courtroom, and defendant communicates with them from a detention center using video conferencing technologies. Thus, the defendant can follow court procedures remotely.
To interrogate several defendants from different detention centers at the same time, a multi-point video conferencing server is available which can be used separately or as a built-in part of video conferencing unit.
Using video conferencing technology to link courtroom and detention center you can save public money to be spent on delivering and detention of defendants, avoid incidents by convoying of defendants and reduce time for appeal proceedings.
Furthermore, there’s a possibility to fax documents, e.g. motions, requests etc. to detention center from courtroom using IP telephony.
SRS TeleConnect also supports audio and video recording of court proceedings.
The system “SRS TeleConnect” is widely used:
The system “SRS TeleConnect” consists of:
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